1. What technology or trend are you most excited about for the future?
Autonomous vehicles. Transportation is at the cusp of transformation and it’s fascinating when you think about the societal impacts. During my time serving at The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance in the Walker Administration, I had the honor of serving as the Commissioner’s designee on the Committee on Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Testing and Deployment. The Committee met to advise the Governor “on how best to advance the testing and operation of automated and connected vehicles in the State of Wisconsin.” My personal excitement grew as we heard from experts in the field and learned how these technologies will have the potential to provide much safer travel and economic opportunities.
2. Favorite supper club in the state?
Ishnala in Lake Delton – I appreciate that it’s more of an experience versus a typical sit down restaurant. It all starts with the driveway into the restaurant itself as you’re immersed into the woods and come upon a wooden cabin on Mirror Lake. There’s plenty of room to enjoy the grounds before dinner and you leave feeling like you had a special night out – one that you can only find in Wisconsin.
3. Best piece of advice you have ever received?
My father told me, “you don’t need everyone to like you, just make sure they respect you.”