Wisconsin will be receiving $3.4 billion in new federal stimulus funds. This leads to an important question – how should the state spend the federal money?
SOLUTION: This week, we released a policy proposal that asks Gov. Evers to consider refunding the federal dollars back to Wisconsin taxpayers. Hard-working Wisconsin families, many of which are still struggling from COVID and the economic shutdowns, know better than the government how to spend the money to offset the harm from COVID. Low-income and middle-class families could receive significant relief under this proposal. Check it out here: Wisconsin state, local leaders should refund federal money back to state taxpayers
MEDIA: Wisconsin budget watchdog suggests offering residents state stimulus checks (Center Square)
Op-Ed by President CJ Szafir: Refund the Federal Dollars Back To Wisconsin (Right Wisconsin)
As always we are looking for creative ways to shrink government and ensure Wisconsin families are put first. It’s clear that COVID and the economic shutdowns have impacted families and businesses in so many different ways. This is why state and local governments should explore how to empower families to determine how best to spend the federal relief money.